
This cohesive, interactive program will allow students to show that they have acquired specific skills or competencies useful in the workplace. Recent studies have shown that there is a growing 1099 workforce and employers are looking for graduates that understand how to create value by solving problems. The skills acquired during this program will provide students with competencies that you will be able to highlight on your resume, Portfolium and LinkedIn. Think of these as professional development skills to propel you in your industry and/or launch your own company or non-profit organization that tackles a community issue.

This program consists of networking and mentoring opportunities. Students have access to panels, interviews with community and campus leaders, asynchronous learning modules and in-person workshops – all focusing on customer discovery, design thinking, storytelling, innovation and collaboration. The skills learned through this program are instrumental in assisting students and can be transferable to any career choice.

Each micro-credential is 10-12 co-curricular hours, that is programmed to work with, and accentuate, a student’s academic studies. There are three milestones for each micro-credential and each one has several options to fit everyone’s schedule. 

  1. Entrepreneurial Thinking
    • Milestone 1: Intro to Entrepreneurial Mindset
    • Milestone 2: Intro to Customer Discovery
    • Milestone 3: Making Your Impact
  2. Customer Discovery + Design Thinking
  3. Launch Your Idea


Applicants must be current students at UNC Charlotte. Students can sign up at any time during the semester and attend any of the events.

Application + Assessment

Questions? Contact Laura Smailes.