Charlotte Inno features Ventureprise Alumnu Desmond Wiggan is his own words: On how Covid changed him as a leader and a person

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Imagine spending all of 2019 building some amazing momentum, and when you finally get to a point where you’re ready to hit the market, the rug gets pulled from under you. That was exactly how early 2020 felt, on a business level, for me. I saw competitors pack their bags and close shop, and at a few points I thought we might have to do the same.

BatteryXchange navigated some lows…

Much of our success was within the event space and that literally closed down completely. We had to figure out what distribution channel was going to make sense for us moving forward.

Charlotte Inno Editor’s Note: This is part of a Charlotte Inno series we’re calling “In Their Own Words,” where you’ll hear from some of Charlotte’s tech, innovation and startup founders and leaders on their experiences navigating 2020 during Covid-19, as well as their expectations for 2021. Our third contributor is Desmond Wiggan, cofounder of BatteryXchange, a tech startup with a fast-charge, portable battery solution.

In their own words: BatteryXchange cofounder Desmond Wiggan on how Covid changed him as a leader and a person