Ventureprise Awarded Small Business Ecosystem Partner Grant for Entrepreneurial Support Programming

Ventureprise received a $249,535 Small Business Ecosystem Partner Grant to assist small businesses through an integrated support program at UNC Charlotte involving customer discovery training, access to workforce talent, and other services.
Ventureprise will assist a large pipeline of small businesses that have formed during the COVID-19 pandemic. These companies will be assisted through an integrated support program at UNC Charlotte that provides mentorship and access to specialized training programs in customer discovery, business model generation, capital formation, and technology commercialization. The program will also facilitate access to student workforce development talent specifically STEM technical talent. This grant will be used for the Ventureprise Launch Program, Entrpereneurs in Residence and continued support in the community.
Small Business Ecosystem Partner Grant Fund is a $2.5 million fund that will be used to support eligible organizations that serve the small business community as they recover, stabilize, and grow from the impacts of COVID-19. Funds may be used to provide programs, projects, or services to the local small business community.
Apply to the Ventureprise Launch Program
For more information, contact Carrie Bovill,