2019 Ventureprise Summer Accelerator



Jon Corkey: founder@amissa.com

Amissa improves Alzheimer’s caregiving and research.



Desmond Wiggan- desmond@battertyxchange.co

Aubrey Yeboah- aubrey@batteryxchange.com

Supplying the power you need to live life charged.

gig connected


Keith Clithero: keith.clithero@gigconnected.com

Connecting construction managers with construction workers.

Grocery shopii


Katie Hotze: khotze@groceryshopii.com

Grocery Shopping Evolved. Digital meal planning that fuels grocery ecommerce.

joule scout


DeAndrea Salvador: LinkedIn

Kate Friedheim: LinkedIn

DeAndrea Salvador started nonprofit Renewable Energy Transition Initiative (RETI) to support and educate communities around energy conservation. The Charlotte-based founder and former TED fellow took her learning from RETI to create JouleScout, a demand response solution that leverages dynamic incentives to better align utility providers and consumers. DeAndrea is now a North Carolina State Senator.

Next level stem


Michael Walter: mwalte33@uncc.edu

Meesha Kaushal: LinkedIn

High School STEM education kit that eliminates the need for functional lab space, reduces lab preparation time by up to 50% and combines professional development hour with teacher recertification while implementing real world appliations that meet state standards.